Since I am a big fan of cats, I bring you some information and advices in case you decide to have this wonderful creature. :)

Make sure that the establishment will allow you to handle the animal in question before taking it home.
Do not pick a cat just by looks. Just like with
humans, cats should not be judged by their outer beauty alone. The MOST
important aspect of having a great cat is their inner beauty.
Almost all cat breeds are much more similar in both
temperament (none perform any work) and body form (they are almost all
basically the same shape; some are a little bigger, fluffier, or more
colorful) than dog breeds. Some are a little friendlier and some
tend toward a few special behaviors such as love of water, but most
people would be well suited with a cat of any breed, or, of course, a
Do carefully consider the hair length of your cat. A
short-hair (smooth glossy coat) or medium-hair (modestly fluffy coat) is
best for most people. Long-hair cats such as Persians have long,
flowing coats, and a few have no hair (and are hypoallergenic but to
most people extremely ugly). A short-hair cat is basically self-grooming
and need only be brushed every several days to keep surplus shed hair
from scattering and check for parasites. A medium-hair cat is more
important to brush periodically to maintain a neat, knot-free
appearance. A long-hair cat needs brushing every day or two to keep
clean and healthy (though they don't produce bad smell as dogs do). A
short-hair cat will be less comfortable on harsh winter days if it gets
outside; a bald cat can die easily from cold.
Don't reject the animal if he or she attempts to scratch or bite you.
If you have never had a cat before, you might not be aware of how to
handle them correctly. Also, every cat has individual likes and dislikes
when it comes to being touched. Additionally, be aware of the
possibility that the cat was just being playful.
Ask to hold the animal you like. If he/she resists,
don't force it. Some cats are very affectionate, but just do not like to
be held. Make your hand into a fist and extend it towards the cat. This
is a human method for mimicking a feline greeting. If the cat
head-butts your hand, this is a friendly greeting. If he/she looks away
or backs away, they may not like meeting new people. This is no reason
for not adopting them. The cat may also be afraid of people, this is a
reason to adopt them (if you can afford a little bit of stress from
attempting to get them to be used to people) as they may not be adopted
otherwise because they are believed or known to be "anti-social". Just
like humans, cats need love.
Check the kitten or cat nose to tail for signs of illness. Things to look out for that are easily spotted:
- Eyes - should be bright and free of discharge.
- Nose - should not have any discharge or excessive sneezing.
- Ears - should be free of dark wax, and should not smell bad.
- Fur - should be clean and free of any bugs. Look in the armpits and on the belly for signs of fleas.
- Bottom - should be clean and should not have any signs of diarrhea or worms.
- Chest - breathing should sound clear and not have any wheezing.

Ask whether there is a veterinarian visit included or
available with the purchase/adoption, which will catch anything you may
have missed. Even if the veterinarian visit is not included with the
purchase price, still bring the cat to a vet as soon as possible after
adopting, especially if you have other cats at home. Also, consider that
when you pay for the vet visit, you can choose the vet and know that
he/she isn't biased. can just guess! Go with your gut; studies
show that people who make an impulse buy were happier with their
purchases later. If you know that cute black fuzzy one in the corner is
healthy, that's all you need to know! Check to see if he's friendly and
just go with it! He just seems right for you, and there's no denying
that. You won't regret this purchase. (This goes solely for which cat to
pick--do carefully consider whether to get a cat.)
- Whenever possible, try to adopt a pet from an animal shelter or Humane Society. Cats found there are typically strays or surrendered animals and you will be helping reduce the burden of the shelters and possibly saving a cat from being put to sleep. Pet stores generally pay breeders to supply them with cats.
- If you go to a humane society or pound, check any notes left by the former owner that will give you a clue as to the cat's temperament. Keep in mind, however, that the person who abandoned the animal may have a reason to lie about what the animal was like. Talk to staff in the cat room and see what they have to say.
- Many shelters have visiting hours. The best way to see a cat’s true personality is to go at the start of the day. By day’s end, many cats will have been picked up and roughly handled by less kind hands and they may be sleepy or more ready to lash out at you because of over stimulation.
- Buy your accessories (litter box, litter, food, bowls, toys, etc.) before you go to get the cat - that way you can bring it directly home. Try to also have a veterinarian lined up before you adopt the pet also. If you plan well, you can have a vet appointment for the day you go and adopt the pet so that you can take him/her right to the vet's office on your way home.
- A cat that has already been neutered / spayed and vaccinated is a plus. Make sure that they really are vaccinated before purchasing the cat, as this is a well-known scam. Make sure that you get the rabies license tag for that animal!
- If you've got the time and money to rehabilitate an ill or traumatized cat, then by all means, do so--otherwise, you'll just be making a bad situation worse. This is especially true for animals that have been repeatedly adopted and then "returned" to the shelter.
- Be a responsible and knowledgeable owner: Buy and read several cat-care books before going to choose a cat. Each breed has temperaments, care requirements, and health concerns you should be aware of. Also find out what you can expect to pay for routine veterinary care each year, and what are common diseases/problems that will require extra care.
- Ask if you can have a little of the "dirty" litter from the cat's own litter tray. This will help the cat to feel more secure in its new home and let it know where you expect it to "go". It is particularly useful for younger cats/kittens.
- After a cat has been neutered/spayed there is mostly no difference between the friendliness or behavior of a male and female, except males mark their territory more than females even after they are neutered.
- Pay attention to "breed". Although the various color schemes (orange tabby, grey tabby, all black, all white, tortoise shell, etc.) of common domestic cats do not indicate specific breeds, there tend to be common characteristics and personality traits within any one scheme.
- Females tend to be better hunters than males.
- Make sure the cat doesn't have rotten teeth.
- Anyone who tries to discourage you from any of the above steps should be avoided. They obviously do not put you in their best interest. A good place should be happy to let you handle the cat as much as you like. The best places will even have a private room with chairs and a cat tower where you can meet the cat without having to pick the cat up.
- Please be aware a kitten's personality will change over the years, depending on how much or little you handle it. Its reaction to being held or petted is much less guiding than the reaction of an older cat.
- Believe it or not, many people cannot discern between a male and female cat so please make sure you can realize the difference between them. A male cat may be more likely to mark his territory, even after being neutered.
- While it is possible to pick up a cat from the street, you never know where that cat has been and the diseases it might carry and transmit, so it is much safer to choose a new pet from a shelter or pound who has been inspected properly, though you should keep in mind that many animals at shelters are animals rescued from the streets.
- Be careful if bringing a stray home: Even a healthy-looking cat can carry Feline leukemia, meningococcal meningitis or other diseases, which will be deadly to any cats you already have. Bring any stray directly to a vet for a checkup before bringing it home.
- If you are buying from a shelter, make sure =none= of the cats there are sick (very important), the cat you are picking out may seem healthy, but you can never be sure. It is important that you inspect the physical conditions such as the fur, eyes,nose, paws, and the physical sexual reproductive area. Also take a look in there litter box to make sure that the feces of the cat look normal because you don't want to bring home a cat with diarrhea. If the cat is sick, bring him/her to a licensed vet ASAP. Do not be discouraged by a sick cat. They need help, and you could be the one to bring such to them.
- Once you bring home your cat, it is perfectly normal if the cat's behavior is slightly timid and shy. Cats just need some time to adjust to their new, friendly and safe environment.
- Also be sure to check if you or anyone in your house is allergic to cats before you decide to buy or take one home.
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