Noticing the signals that people send out with their body language is a very useful social skill. Some of us can read it pooo naturally and some of us are notoriously oblivious. Fortunately, with a little extra attentiveness, you can learn to read body language, and with enough practice it'll become second nature.
Pay attention to how close someone is to you. The closer they are, the warmer they are thinking of you. The farther away that someone is, the less they actually care of the situation or person. If you move slightly closer to them, do they move slightly further away? That means they don't want your interaction to be any more personal than it already is. If they don't move further away, then they are receptive. And if they respond by getting even closer to you, they probably really like you or are very comfortable around/by you.
It is worth noting that personal space is culturally fluid; keep in mind that what is considered close in one country is far away in another.
It is worth noting that personal space is culturally fluid; keep in mind that what is considered close in one country is far away in another.
Overly tilted heads are either a potential sign of sympathy, or if a person smiles while tilting their head, they are being playful and maybe even flirting. (Note that people with vision problems such as amblyopia will also have a tilted head.)
- It should be noted that some cultures see this as a sign of respect.
- It should be noted that some cultures see this as a sign of respect.
On the other hand when coupled with a smile, a tilted head will mean they genuinely like you and are engaged in playful conversation.
Overly tilted heads are either a potential sign of sympathy, or if a person smiles while tilting their head, they are being playful and maybe even flirting. (Note that people with vision problems such as amblyopia will also have a tilted head.)
People who look to the sides a lot are nervous, lying, or distracted. However, if a person looks away from the speaker, it very well could be a comfort display or indicate submissiveness. Looking askance generally means the person is distrustful or unconvinced.
If someone looks down at the floor a lot, they are probably shy or timid.
Some cultures believe that looking at someone in the eyes is a sign of disrespect, so this could explain why someone is avoiding eye contact with you.
Dilated pupils mean that the person is interested. Keep in mind, however, that many drugs cause pupils to dilate, including alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, MDMA, LSD and others. Don't mistake having a few drinks for attraction. Also, some people have permanently dilated pupils (a condition known as mydriasis).
People who look to the sides a lot are nervous, lying, or distracted. However, if a person looks away from the speaker, it very well could be a comfort display or indicate submissiveness. Looking askance generally means the person is distrustful or unconvinced.
People with crossed arms are closing themselves to social influence. Though some people just cross their arms as a habit, it may indicate that the person is (slightly) reserved, uncomfortable with their appearance, or just trying to hide something on their shirt. If their arms are crossed while their feet are shoulder width or wider apart, this is a position of toughness or authority.
If someone rests their arms behind their neck or head, they are open to what is being discussed or just laid back in general.
If their hands are on their hips, they might be waiting or impatient.
If their hands are closed or clenched, they may be irritated, angry, or nervous.
People with crossed arms are closing themselves to social influence. Though some people just cross their arms as a habit, it may indicate that the person is (slightly) reserved, uncomfortable with their appearance, or just trying to hide something on their shirt. If their arms are crossed while their feet are shoulder width or wider apart, this is a position of toughness or authority.
Be aware of nervous gestures:
If someone brushes their hair back with their fingers, this may be preening, a common gesture if the person likes you, or their thoughts about something conflict with yours. They might not voice this. If you see raised eyebrows during this time, you can be pretty sure that they disagree with you.
If the person wears glasses, and is constantly pushing them up onto their nose again, with a slight frown, that may also indicate they disagree with what you are saying. Look to make sure they push up their glasses with an intent, not casually adjusting them. Look for pushing on the rim with two fingers, or an extra motion of wiggling the side of their glasses. The frown or raised eyebrows should tip you off. (Note: A frown may also indicate eyestrain.)
Lowered eyebrows and squinted eyes illustrate an attempt at understanding what is being said or going on. It's usually skeptical. This is presuming they are not trying to observe something that's far away. (Note: A squint is another possible sign of vision issues.)
If they are staring into space then they are most likely think deeply about the past or they could be thinking of you
If someone brushes their hair back with their fingers, this may be preening, a common gesture if the person likes you, or their thoughts about something conflict with yours. They might not voice this. If you see raised eyebrows during this time, you can be pretty sure that they disagree with you.
A fast tapping, shifting of weight, laughing, or movement of the foot will most often mean that the person is impatient, excited, nervous, scared, or intimidated.
Note though that some people with ADHD will constantly jiggle their legs. It doesn't mean anything, it's entirely subconscious and, while eccentric, it can't be stopped.
Note though that some people with ADHD will constantly jiggle their legs. It doesn't mean anything, it's entirely subconscious and, while eccentric, it can't be stopped.
If the person is sitting, feet crossed at the ankles means they're generally at ease.
If while standing, a person seems to always keep their feet very close together, it probably means they are trying to be "proper" in some way.
If they purposely touch their feet to yours, they are flirting!
Some people may point their feet to the direction of their interest. So if it's pointing at you, he/she may be interested in you.
A fast tapping, shifting of weight, laughing, or movement of the foot will most often mean that the person is impatient, excited, nervous, scared, or intimidated.
- It's easy to spot a confident person; they will make prolonged eye contact and have a strong posture. They may also sit or stand very cricked. Long eye contact can also be found in lovers' or families eyes.
- If a person talks at a fast rate and mumbles or isn't clear on what they are saying they could be nervous or might be lying (trying to stall for time) or not telling the full truth (being vague). (But be aware that some people do actually mumble)
- Watch the face, it will usually give off a quick involuntary and sometimes subconscious twitch when something happens that irritates, excites, or amuses them.
- Observing in context is key to understanding body language.
- Keep in mind that each person has their own unique body language called baseline behaviors.
- When observing others, be subtle about it.
- Pay special attention to changes in body language rather than the body language itself.
- If a person looks up at the sky, or to the sides they are usually thinking about you.
- Some people touch their face and/or play with their hair when they are flirting.
- When a person closes his/her eyes longer than the time it takes to blink, that usually means that he/she is feeling stress, alarm, or despair (although it could mean that their contacts are dry, this will sometimes be accompanied by rubbing of the eye).
- Do not judge a person solely by their body language.
- Don't isolate yourself by constantly examining body language when interacting with people. Otherwise, there is no reason to gain a social upper hand anyway. This is paralysis by analysis.
- Do not spend too much time looking at and analyzing the other person's body language. Try to look at their face while you are talking to them.
- Taken at :