Signs you need to meditate
If you are experiencing any of these things in your life then chances are you would benefit from a few minutes of meditation per day.- you get regular headaches;
- you have trouble sleeping;
- you have trouble eating;
- you are eating too much;
- you are fighting with family members more often;
- you don’t want to go to work or other social events;
- you are gaining or losing weight;
- your sex drive is down;
- you are always tired;
- you are much quicker to get angry
This is not an exhaustive list but just a few things that you might be experiencing that might indicate you need to slow down and meditate.
Why these signs could be serious
The above listed signs could be dangerous to your health for many reasons. However, the main concern is the health problems that stress can create.Stress has been scientifically proven to have an impact on a person’s wellbeing. Blood pressure is affected, weight gain or weight loss occurs which leads to other problems, and so on and so forth.
One of the best ways to stop these manifestations of stress and thus prevent all the symphony of health problems from occurring is to start meditating - even for only small amounts of time.
Proof meditation has amazing effects on the body
The Dalai Lama has been part of the Mind and Life conferences for many years. At these discussions many experts from different schools of thought (buddhism, science, philosophy, medicine, etc.) get together and talk about the profound impacts the mind is now known to have on the body.However, the discussions took a different turn a few years ago when it was found that the buddhist yogis who have been meditating up in the mountains were able to do things that no one else can do. Two of the main examples were a monk who could comletely supress his physical response to a gun being fired next to his ear (he didn’t even flinch), and a group of yogis who can increase their core body temperature so high that they can dry wet sheets on their back!
Science began investigating these feats and found that the meditators brains functioned very differently to a normal person and the chemicals that create a feeling of happiness were much higher in their bodies.
Since these discoveries scientists have been working closely with the buddhists as it has become evident that they have a lot to teach. in regards to the power of the mind.
As I am always rambling on about, you are in control of your mind. People often fail to realize that the stress they are experiencing is taking place IN their mind so they have to USE their mind to reduce it. It is too difficult to try and fix everything that happens in your life such that you will never be stressed. A more practical solution is to learn to deal with the negative things when they happen. And that isn’t as hard as it sounds.
How to meditate to reduce stress
This is so easy you will wonder why you haven’t been doing it all your life.First start by slowly turning your mind inwards so that instead of focussing on the external appearances of sight, smell, etc. you are looking at your thoughts. Become aware of them. How do they move? Where do they come from? Where do they go?
Do not try to change the thought. Do not judge “bad” thoughts and do not reward “good” thoughts. Just be aware of them. After some time you will be able to watch your thoughts quite easily without becoming distracted or frustrated.
Meditating in this way will allow you to be able to recognize thoughts when they first arise. This is a powerful tool in reducing stress as you realize that it is just a thought, not solid. By simply recognizing our thoughts we reduce their power and thus can reduce the effects they have on our life.
In anything you do during the day try to be aware of your thoughts. Let them come and go but be aware of them and their games. And, when you find a stressful thought just gently remind yourself it is just a thought that doesn’t have any power to effect you in any way at all. That’s the power of the mind!