Fast Abs Exercise
you feel lazy, you will likely prefer to do an exercise you can
complete quickly so you may resume more relaxing activities like
watching a movie or sunbathing. The Captain's Chair exercise is an
exercise that tones the abdominal muscles and only takes one minute a
day. Sit on the edge of a chair, and grasp the front of the seat at
either side of your hips. Inhale deeply, then upon exhalation, gradually
raise your knees toward your chest without arching your back. Hold your
knees in the raised position for three seconds, and then lower them.
Repeat for around a minute.
TV Exercising
you like to spend a lot of time watching TV, a fitness ball may be the
solution for you. By sitting on the ball instead of in your armchair,
you'll strengthen your core muscles and improve your balance without
noticing you are exercising. You can additionally use your exercise ball
as a seat while reading or working on the computer.
Exercising in Bed
Bennett looked and felt like an elderly man, although he was only 50
years old. This led him to devise a program, which he later wrote about
in his book named "Exercising in Bed." All Bennett's exercises are
designed to be executed in bed, under the covers, which makes them ideal
for lazy people. To develop the triceps, or back muscles of the upper
arms, lie on your left side. Grasp your right arm between the elbow and
shoulder with your left hand. Try to pull your right arm back while
simultaneously creating resistance with your left hand. Do this for a
few seconds and relax. Repeat five times before switching sides.
Gradually increase repetitions until you are performing 25 on each side
per day.
Easy Walking Exercise
benefits of walking on a regular basis are well-documented. They
include increased cardiovascular strength and calorie burn at a rate of
around 100 calories per mile. However, if you feel lazy, walking may
seem like too much of a strenuous exercise, particularly uphill walking.
Nordic walking poles help make walking a more enjoyable experience for
lazy people, as the poles ease strain on joints. Furthermore, when
Nordic walking you use 90 percent of all muscle groups, and calorie burn
is around 40 percent more than when walking normally. Therefore, it
takes less time to burn calories with the poles than without them.